How to shopping | 宗 Sou

Buyer's Guide: Safe & Easy Shopping!

1. Browse our vast selection of vintage/antique wares!

We've prepared several search methods for your shopping convenience.
Click any photo or name in the search results and you'll be taken to that item's details page.
From here, you can check the item's condition, history, age, and so on.

Search by keyword
Type one or more keywords into the search bar at the top of the page, then click the magnifying glass.
You will be taken to the search results page and shown related items.
Narrow down your search by using the drop-down menus to the left of the search bar.
You can specify both a category and a subcategory.

Please type any keywords.

Search by category
Hover your cursor over a category in the left sidebar.
A list of subcategories will be shown for each one.
Click a category or subcategory to display all applicable items.

When you put mouse pointer here, the list of variety will be displayed.

Search by tag
A tag is a word, phrase, or name that is relevant to the item in some way.
Click a tag to display a list of all items that contain the same tag.
In this way, you can easily find other items that are similar to what you're currently looking at!

Tags are attached on lists and details of items.

2. Add items to your cart!

Click the green Add to Cart button to put items into your shopping cart.
You can remove items from your cart at any time by clicking Delete.
You don't have to be logged in to add items to your cart.

3. Place your order!

Click the green Place Order button on your cart page to finalize your purchase.

Payment methods
Payment is easy! Pay for items using either PayPal or your credit card.
For more information, visit the Payment & Shipping page.